Monday, 17 August 2020

Chromosomal Aberration (Part I)

To access and download PowerPoint presentation on 'Chromosomal Aberration' click on the link below:


¢Karyotyping: refers to a full set of chromosomes from an  individual, or a photographic arrangement of a set of  chromosomes of an individual.

¢Chromatid: either of the two daughter strands of the replicated chromosome that are joined by centromere and  separate during cell division.

¢Constituent of chromosome: DNA, RNA, HISTONES (and some non-histone proteins)

¢No. of chromosomes in human: 22 pairs of autosomes & a pair of sex  chromosomes.

  Diploid: 46 (44+XX or 44+XY) 
     Haploid : 23 (22+X or 22+Y)




Any departure or deviation from normal.


Any aberration in the shape, size or structure of a chromosome is called chromosomal aberration.

It reflects an atypical number or a structure in one or  more chromosomes.


1. Structural aberration

2. Numerical aberration


1.Deletion: Part of a chromosome segment is lost, maybe small or large portion.
2.Duplication: Section of a chromosome is in duplicate, usually less harmful. Extra genetic material causes birth defects.
3.Inversion: Two  breaks in chromosome & then broken fragment reinserted in an inverted fashion.
4. Translocation: Transfer of full or a part of a chromosome to another chromosome. 
5. Fragile site: Constriction at sites other than centromere.  There is more tendency to break. Ex: X linked mental retardation, fragile X syndrome.
6. Ring chromosome: Two breaks in the chromosome and  these broken ends stick back together.

A missing chromosome segment is referred to either as a deletion or as a deficiency.
Large deletions can be detected cytologically by studying the banding patterns in stained chromosomes, but small ones cannot.
In diploid organisms, the deletion of a chromosome segment makes part of the genome hypoploid.
May be associated with a phenotypic effect, especially if the deletion is large.
In case of a deletion heterozygote, where the dominant allele of a gene has been deleted, the recessive allele of the deleted gene is generally expressed. This is called pseudodominance.
Example: cri-du-chat syndrome in human
•Caused by a deletion in the short arm of chromosome 5
•Individuals heterozygous for the deletion have the karyotype 46 del(5)(p14)
•Bands in region 14 of the short arm (p) of one of the chromosomes 5 is missing.
•These individuals may be severely impaired, mentally as well as physically

•An extra chromosome segment is referred to as a duplication. 
•The extra segment can be attached to one of the chromosomes, or it can exist as a new and separate chromosome, that is, as a “free duplication”.
The organism becomes hyperploid for part of its genome.

•May be associated with a phenotypic effect.
•Example: Effect of duplications for region 16A of the X chromosome on the size of the eyes in Drosophila.

Tandem Duplications are adjacent to each other.
Reverse Tandem Duplications result in genes arranged in opposite order of the original.
Tandem duplication at the end of chromosome is a  Terminal tandem duplication.

An inversion occurs when a chromosome segment is detached, flipped around 180º, and reattached to the rest of the chromosome.
The order of the segment’s genes is reversed.
Pericentric inversions include the centromere, whereas paracentric inversions do not.
Pericentric inversion:
•Inverted segment includes the centromere 
•May change the relative lengths of the two arms of the chromosome 
•If an acrocentric chromosome acquires a pericentric inversion, it can be transformed into a metacentric chromosome and vice versa.
Paracentric inversion: 
•Inverted segment does not include the centromere 
•Does not change the relative lengths of the two arms of the chromosome 
•If an acrocentric chromosome acquires a paracentric inversion, the morphology of the chromosome will not be changed.

Suppression of recombination in an inversion heterozygote

An individual in which one chromosome is inverted but its homologue is not is said to be an inversion heterozygote.
•During meiosis, the inverted and non-inverted chromosomes pair point-for-point along their length. Because of the inversion, the chromosomes must form a loop to allow for pairing in the inverted region.
•Any one of the chromosomes is looped, and the other conforms around it.

Pericentric inversion:

•As a result of crossing over inside the loop, daughter chromosomes with deletions/duplications for the inverted region are produced which are non-viable.
•Only the gametes with parental chromosomes (one normal and one inverted) are recovered.

Paracentric inversion:
Here, as a result of crossing over, one acentric and one dicentric chromosomes are formed.
In addition, the recombinant products contain deletions/duplications for the inverted region and are non-viable.
Only the gametes with parental chromosomes are recovered.

A translocation occurs when a segment from one chromosome is detached and reattached to a different (that is, non-homologous) chromosome.
When pieces of two non-homologous chromosomes are interchanged without any net loss of genetic material, the event is referred to as a reciprocal translocation.
During meiosis, the translocated chromosomes pair with their untranslocated homologues in a cruciform, or crosslike, pattern.
This pairing configuration is diagnostic of a translocation heterozygote.
Cells in which the translocated chromosomes are homozygous do not form a cruciform pattern but pair normally with its structurally identical partner.

Altogether there are three possible disjunctional events:
1.Adjacent disjunction I: If centromeres 2 and 4 (i.e. centromeres from non-homologous chromosomes that are next to each other) move to the same pole, forcing 1 and 3 to the opposite pole, all the resulting gametes will be aneuploid—because some chromosome segments will be deficient for genes, and others will be duplicated.

2.Adjacent disjunction II: If centromeres 1 and 2 (i.e. centromeres from the homologous chromosomes that are next to each other) move to one pole and 3 and 4 to the other, only aneuploid gametes will be produced. Each of these cases is referred to as adjacent disjunction because centromeres that were next to each other in the cruciform pattern moved to the same pole.

3.Alternate disjunction: If centromeres 1 and 4 (i.e. centromeres from non-homologous chromosomes that are alternate to each other) move to the same pole, forcing 2 and 3 to the opposite pole, only euploid gametes will be produced, and half of them will carry only translocated chromosomes.

Translocation heterozygotes are therefore characterized by low fertility. 

Non-homologous chromosomes can fuse at their centromeres, creating a structure called a Robertsonian translocation.
For example, if two acrocentric chromosomes fuse, they will produce a metacentric chromosome; the tiny short arms of the participating chromosomes are simply lost in this process.
Human chromosome 2, which is metacentric, has arms that correspond to two different acrocentric chromosomes in the genomes of the great apes.
Chromosomes can also fuse end-to-end to form a structure with two centromeres. If one of the centromeres is inactivated, the chromosome fusion will be stable.

Sometimes one chromosome fuses with its homologue, or two sister chromatids become attached to each other, forming a single genetic unit.
A compound chromosome can exist stably in a cell as long as it has a single functional centromere.
If there are two centromeres, each may move to a different pole during division, pulling the compound chromosome apart.
A compound chromosome may also be formed by the union of homologous chromosome segments. For example, the right arms of the two second chromosomes in Drosophila might detach from their left arms and fuse at the centromere, creating a compound half-chromosome.
This structure is called an isochromosome, because its two arms are equivalent.
Compound chromosomes differ from translocations in that they involve fusions of homologous chromosome segments. Translocations, by contrast, always involve fusions between nonhomologous chromosomes.

Gene action can be blocked by proximity to the heterochromatin regions of chromosome and this can result from translocation or inversion events.
The locus for white eye color in Drosophila is near the tip of the X chromosome.
The allele w+ gives red color while the recessive w allele gives white color.
If a translocation occurs in which the tip of an X chromosome carrying w+ is relocated next to the heterochromatic region of chromosome 4, w+ locus is inactivated.
Position-effect variegation is observed in flies that are heterozygotes for such a translocation.
The w+ allele is not always expressed because the heterochromatin boundary is somewhat variable: in some cells it engulfs and inactivates the w+ gene, thereby allowing the expression of w.
If the position of the w+ and w alleles is exchanged by a crossover, then position-effect variegation is not detected.

Saturday, 11 April 2020

Western blot analysis

To access and download PowerPoint presentation on 'Western Blot Analysis' click on the link below:
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Western Blotting
  Western blotting is widely used to detect a specific protein in a sample of tissue homogenate or extract.
  It works on the principle of gel electrophoresis.
  Proteins are separated based on their size on a polyacrylamide gel.

How we do it!

  Step I: Isolate protein.
  Total protein/protein fractions
  Purified protein/crude protein
  Step II: Separate protein sample on the basis of MW on PAGE
  Reducing/Non-reducing gel

  Step III: Transfer protein from gel to the membrane.
  PVDF (Polyvinylidene fluoride) membrane used
  Use of a pre-stained protein ladder helps to detect transfer process
  Electro-transfer is done. Wet/semi-dry/dry transfer systems are available

  Step IV: Stain the membrane with ponceau.
  Checks if the transfer is complete
  Stain is washed with water before step V.

  Step V: Blocking is done with skimmed milk to eliminate non-specific antibody binding.
  Step VI: Antibody probing
  After blocking, the membrane is incubated with the primary antibody overnight.
  This is followed by incubation with secondary antibody (tagged with horseradish peroxidase/alkaline phosphatase)
  The membrane is then washed to remove unbound antibodies
  Step VII: Detection
  The membrane is treated with the substrate for HRP/AP which gives chemiluminescence.
  The signal can be recorded on X-ray film or in a chemi-doc.

Western blot detection

 Colorimetric detection: HRP catalyzes a reaction with 4-Chloro-1-napthol (4CN) and peroxide that produces a visible and insoluble purple product…outdated and low sensitivity.

Chemiluminescence detection: In the presence of HRP and a peroxide buffer, luminol oxidizes and forms an excited state product called 3-aminophthalate that emits light at 450 nm….easy and high sensitivity.

Fluorescence detection: Antibodies are conjugated to a specific fluorophore and can be detected using an imaging system…easy but moderate sensitivity.

Chemiluminescence detection

Alkaline phosphatase-tagged antibody:
·         Enzymatic dephosphorylation of dioxetane substrate by alkaline phosphatase leads to the metastable phenolate anion which, upon decomposition emits light at ≈480 nm.

HRP-tagged antibody:
      Secondary antibody is tagged with HRP
      ECL (Enhanced chemiluminesce) substrate contains Luminol, hydrogen peroxide and an enhancer (phenol, naphthol, etc.)
      In the presence of HRP and a peroxide buffer, luminol oxidizes and forms an excited state product called 3-aminophthalate that emits light at 450 nm
      Enhance is added so that the reaction can proceed for prolonged durations
      The reaction emits a light signal at 450 nm

Application of Western Blot

  Detection of a specific protein in the proteome
  Detecting phosphorylation states of proteins using specifically designed antibodies. Phosphorylation also makes proteins heavier so that their position on blots gets slightly shifted.
  Detecting changes in protein levels across treatment groups.
  Detection of post-translational modification of a protein (i.e. phosphorylation, ubiquitination, etc.) using specific antibodies.