In a life cycle, when the two generations: sexual (haploid) and asexual (diploid) generations alternate with each other, by the production of gametes and spores respectively, it is called alternation of generations. However, the origin of alternation of generations is unclear.
Some workers opine that the alternation of the sporophytic and gametophytic generations came into effect with the successful establishment of land habit and when transformation of the ancestral algae to the ancestral at archegoniates occurred. The other opinion states that it was already a well-established phenomenon in the algae, before the transformation of the archegoniates occurred.
There are two opposing theories for this phenomenon, both of which are supported by the data in the fossil records. These two theories are the antithetic theory and the homologous theory. In both the cases, the gametophytic phase is considered to have evolved earlier. So, the mode of origin of the sporophyte is the main issue of consideration.
The late-nineteenth/early-twentieth century debated over homologous versus antithetic alternation of generations. Supporters of both theories, at first, used Coleochaete as a model for the origin of land-plant life cycles. The early debate focused on the morphological interpretation of the sporophyte and on whether vascular cryptogams had bryophyte-like ancestors. The terms of the debate shifted after the discovery that the alternation of morphological generations was accompanied by an alternation of chromosome number (Haig, 2008).
Supporters of homologous
alternation now promoted a model in which land plants had been derived from an
algal ancestor with an isomorphic alternation of haploid and diploid generations
whereas supporters of antithetic alternation favored a model in which land plants
were derived from a haploid algal ancestor with zygotic meiosis. Modern evidence
that embryophytes are derived from charophycean green algae is more compatible
with an updated version of the antithetic theory (Haig, 2008).
Antithetic theory:
This theory is also known as interpolation or intercalation theory.
Proposer: Celakovsky, 1874
Supporters: Bower, Chamberlain and others
Theory: This theory assumes that the gametophyte, i.e. the sexual generation is the original or historically prior generation while the sporophyte or spore producing generation is an entirely new phase, derived from the progressive elaboration of the zygote of some algal ancestors and has been intercalated or interpolated into the life cycle in course of evolution, between the successive events of fertilization (syngamy) and meiosis (reduction division) and is thus different in structure from the gametophyte from its very inception.
Chamberlain (1935) states, 'The alternation of generation viewed as an alternation of n and 2n phases of the life history strictly antithetic.'
Evidence and proposals:
- The sporophyte of the land plants originated from the green algae which already had alternation of generations and were of diplohaplontic type.
- Delay in the zygotic meiosis could have late to the development of multicellular sporophyte (Bower, 1908).
- The sporophyte of the land plants evolved as a new component of the life cycle and from algae which lacked alternation of generations.
- The free-living sporophyte becoming parasitic on the gametophyte is confusing.
Intercalation of prolonged diploid phase led to the evolution of the sporophyte (Antithetic theory)
Homologous theory:
This theory is also known as modification or transformation theory.
Proposer: Pringsheim (1878)
Supporters: Scott, Goebel, Zimmermann, Fritsch, Stebbing, Events, Church and others
Theory: This theory holds that the sporophytic and gametophytic generations are fundamentally similar in nature and the sporophyte is a direct modification of the gametophyte and is not a new structural type. Thus, this theory supports the homologous alternation of generation which are phylogenetically similar but differs in the presence or absence of the sex organs.
The advocate of this theory pointed to the fact that in algae the gametophytic plant reproduces by both the methods of reproduction and bears the asexual spores as well as sexual gametes. In course of evolution, these two functions became separated in two distinct individuals producing spores and gametes and were designated as the sporophyte and gametophyte respectively.
Evidences and proposals:
- Presence of isomorphic alternation of generations between the spore producing and gamete producing individuals in algae. Example: Ulva
- Initially, both the sporophyte and the gametophyte where independent and free living. Gradually the sporophyte became parasitic on the gametophyte and got reduced.
- The phenomenon of apogamy and apospory also supports this theory.
- Simultaneous and successful migration of both the gametophytes and sporophyte from water to land is impossible.
- The two generations in algae and the land plants are analogous but not homologous.
Molecular phylogenetic data unambiguously relate
charophycean green algae to the ancestry of monophyletic embryophytes and identify bryophytes as early divergent land plants. Comparison of reproduction in charophyceans and bryophytes suggests that
the following stages occurred during evolutionary origin of embryophytic alternation of generations:
- origin of oogamy
- retention of eggs and zygotes on the parental thallus
- origin of matrotrophy
(regulated transfer of nutritional and morphogenetic solutes from parental cells to the next generation)
- origin of a multicellular sporophyte generation
- origin of non-fagellate, walled spores
The charophycean
green algae, the closest extant relatives of embryophytes, possess a
multicellular haploid body but lack a multicellular diploid body. Therefore, the
sporophyte has been interpolated into a basically haploid life cycle. One could
interpret this conclusion as a vindication of the antithetic theory championed by
Bower (1908) and as a rejection of the homologous theory.
However, debate continues about whether the sporophyte originated from a
dispersed zygote or from a zygote that was retained on a maternal gametophyte (Graham and Wilcox, 2000; Haig, 2008).
Further reading:
Graham LK, Wilcox LW. The origin of alternation of generations in land plants: a focus on matrotrophy and hexose transport. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2000 Jun 29;355(1398):757-66; discussion 766-7. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2000.0614. PMID: 10905608; PMCID: PMC1692790.
Haig, D. Homologous Versus Antithetic Alternation of Generations and the Origin of Sporophytes. Bot. Rev 74, 395–418 (2008).
Vashista B.R., Sinha A.K., Kumar A -Botany for degree students –
Parihar N. -.Bryophytes: An Introduction to Embryophyta. Vol I