Monday, 17 August 2020

Chromosomal Aberration (Part II)


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 The changes in the number of chromosomes are usually described as variations in the ploidy of the organism.

 Organisms with one or more complete sets of chromosomes are said to be euploid.

 Organisms that carry more than two sets of chromosomes are said to be polyploid and the level of polyploidy is described by referring to a basic chromosome number, usually denoted n.

      Haploids: carry a single set of chromosomes (n)

      Diploids: carry two chromosome sets (2n)

      Triploids: carry three chromosome sets (3n)

      Tetraploids: carry four chromosome sets (4n)

• An individual of a normally diploid species that has only one chromosome set is called a monoploid to distinguish it from an individual of a normally haploid species (n).


• Organisms in which a particular chromosome, or chromosome segment, is under- or overrepresented are said to be aneuploid. These organisms usually suffer from genetic imbalance.

 Aneuploidy refers to a numerical change in part of the genome, usually just a single chromosome, whereas polyploidy refers to a numerical change in a whole set of chromosomes.

 Aneuploidy implies a genetic imbalance, but polyploidy does not.


 Aneuploidy describes a numerical change in part of the genome, usually a change in the dosage of a single chromosome. This includes individuals that:

      have an extra chromosome

      are missing a chromosome

      have a combination of these anomalies

      have a chromosome whose one arm has been deleted

The under- or overrepresentation of a chromosome or a chromosome segment can affect a phenotype.

An organism in which a chromosome, or a piece of a chromosome, is underrepresented is referred to as a hypoploid.

 An organism in which a chromosome or chromosome segment is overrepresented is referred to as a hyperploid.

Causes of aneuploidy:

Nondisjunction in the course of meiosis or mitosis:

 Disjunction is another word for the normal segregation of homologous chromosomes or chromatids to opposite poles at meiotic or mitotic divisions.

 Nondisjunction is a failure of this process, in which two chromosomes or chromatids incorrectly go to one pole and none to the other.

Loss of a chromosome that has a centromeric deletion.

Loss of the small chromosome produced by Robertsonian translocation.



2n - 2

Missing both copies of a homolog in a diploid


2n - 1

Missing one copy of a homolog in a diploid


2n + 1

Having an extra copy of one homolog in a diploid


2n + 2

Having two extra copies of one homolog in a diploid


n + 1

Having an extra copy of a homolog in a haploid


Nullisomy occurs when both the homologs in the otherwise diploid genome is missing.

This is represented as 2n-2.

The number of possible nullisomics in an orga­nism will be equal to the haploid chromosome number.

Although nullisomy is a lethal condition in diploids, an organism such as bread wheat, which behaves meiotically like a diploid although it is a hexaploid, can tolerate nullisomy.

The four homoeologous chromosomes apparently compensate for a missing pair of homologs.

In fact, all the possible 21 bread wheat nullisomics have been produced. Their appearances differ from the normal hexaploids; furthermore, most of the nullisomics grow less vigorously.


Monosomy occurs when one chromosome is missing in an otherwise diploid individual.

 It is represented as 2n – 1.

• The number of possible monosomies in an organism is equal to the haploid chromosome number.

• When one copy of each of two non-homologous chromosomes are lost, it is called double monosomy (2n – 1 – 1).

 Suppose, gene A/a is on chromosome 2 where 'A' is dominant, and 'a' is recessive (mutant). Crosses of a/a with monosomic for chromosome 1 will give all progeny with A/a genotype. But, crosses of a/a with monosomic for chromosome 2 will give the following progenies:  A/a (50%) and  a/0 (50%). he appearance of recessive phenotype in the heterozygotes indicate a missing chromosome.

Turner Syndrome:

• In humans, there is only one viable monosomic, the 45, X karyotype.

 These individuals have a single X chromosome as well as a diploid complement of autosomes.

 Phenotypically, they are female, but they are almost always sterile.

  45, X individuals are usually short in stature; they have webbed necks, hearing deficiencies, and significant cardiovascular abnormalities.

  They originate from eggs or sperm that lack a sex chromosome or from the loss of a sex chromosome in mitosis sometime after fertilization.

 This latter possibility is supported by the finding that many Turner individuals are somatic mosaics.

  People with the 45, X karyotype have no Barr bodies in their cells, indicating that the single X chromosome that is present is not inactivated.


  Trisomies are those organisms which have an extra chromosome.

  It is represented as 2n + 1.

  The number of possible trisomies in an organism is equal to the haploid chromosome number.

 Suppose, gene A/a is on chromosome 2 where 'A' is dominant, and 'a' is recessive (mutant).  A trisomic (A/a/a) for chromosome 2 will give the following meiotic segregation ratio: A (1/6), a (2/6), A/a (2/6), and a/a (1/6).

Trisomy types:

 Primary trisomies: extra chromosome is identical to both the homologues

 Secondary triso­mies: extra chromosome is an iso-chromosome with two genetically identical arms

  Tertiary trisomies: these are the products of translocation 

  Trisomies show irregular meiosis.

• Since the trisomies have an extra chromosome which is homologous to one of the chromosomes of the complement, they form a trivalent.

Trisomy in plants:

 Datura stramonium is a diploid species and has 12 pairs (=24) of chromosomes in the somatic cells.

Albert Blakeslee and John Belling analyzed chromosome anomalies in this plant.

Blakeslee collected plants with altered phenotypes and discovered that in some cases the phenotypes were inherited in an irregular way.

By examining the chromosomes of the mutant plants, Belling found that in every case an extra chromosome was present.

Altogether there were 12 different mutants, each corresponding to a triplication of one of the Datura chromosomes.

Such triplications are called trisomies.

Trisomy in human:

Down syndrome

It is a condition associated with an extra chromosome 21 (Trisomy 21).

First described in 1866 by a British physician, Langdon Down

Its chromosomal basis was not clearly understood until 1959

People with Down syndrome are typically short in stature and loose-jointed, particularly in the ankles; they have broad skulls, wide nostrils, large tongues with a distinctive furrowing, stubby hands with a crease on the palm and impaired mental abilities.

Their life span is much shorter than that of other people.

They also almost invariably develop Alzheimer’s disease.

Trisomy 21 can be caused by chromosome nondisjunction in one of the meiotic cell divisions, more likely in females.

The frequency of nondisjunction increases with maternal age. Thus, among mothers younger than 25 years old, the risk of having a child with Down syndrome is about 1 in 1500, whereas, among mothers 40 years old, it is 1 in 100.

Trisomies 13 and 18

They are very rare, and the affected individuals show serious phenotypic abnormalities and are dying within the first few weeks after birth.

 Another viable trisomy is the triplo-X karyotype, 47, XXX.

  These individuals survive because two of the three X chromosomes are inactivated, reducing the dosage of the X chromosome.

   Triplo-X individuals are female and are phenotypically normal, or nearly so; sometimes they exhibit a slight mental impairment and reduced fertility.

    Klinefelter syndrome

 The 47, XXY karyotype is also a viable trisomy in humans.

 These individuals have three sex chromosomes, two X’s and one Y.

 Phenotypically, they are male, but they can show some female secondary sexual characteristics and are usually sterile.

• Abnormalities associated with this condition, now called Klinefelter syndrome; these include small testes, enlarged breasts, long limbs, knock-knees, and underdeveloped body hair.

 The 47, XXY karyotype can originate by:

Fertilization of an exceptional XX egg with a Y-bearing sperm

Fertilization of an X-bearing egg with an exceptional XY sperm.

 All individuals with Klinefelter syndrome have one or more Barr bodies in their cells, and those with more than two X chromosomes usually have some degree of mental impairment.


 The 47, XYY karyotype is another viable trisomy in humans.

 These individuals are male, and except for a tendency to be taller than 46, XY men, they do not show a consistent syndrome of characteristics.

• All the other trisomies in humans are embryonic lethals, demonstrating the importance of correct gene dosage.


 A disomic (n+1) is an aberration of a haploid organism.

 In fungi, they can result from meiotic nondisjunction.

• In the fungus Neurospora (a haploid), an n-1 meiotic product aborts and does not darken like a normal ascospore

 So we may detect MI and MII nondisjunctions by observing asci with 4:4 and 6:2 ratios of normal to aborted spores, respectively.

 In these organisms, the disomic (n+1) meiotic product becomes a disomic strain directly.

Regulation of Floral Development (Part I)

To access and download PowerPoint presentation on 'Regulation of Floral Development' click on the link below:

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Parts of a flower

The flower consists of several leaf-like structures attached to a specialized region of the stem called the receptacle. 
Calyx (unit: sepal):
It represents the outermost whorl and protects the inner whorls in buds.
They can photosynthesize.
Corolla (unit: petal):
It primarily attracts insects to serve as pollinators and are often showy and brightly-colored appearance.
Androecium (unit: stamen): 
It is the male sexual structure.
The stamen consists of a narrow stalk called the filament and a chambered structure called the anther.
The anther contains tissue that gives rise to pollen grains.
Gynoecium (unit: carpel): 
It is the female sexual structure.
The carpel consists of the stigma (the tip where pollen lands during pollination), the style (an elongated structure), and the basal ovary.
The ovary encloses one or more ovules.
Each ovule, in turn, contains an embryo sac, the structure that gives rise to the female gamete, the egg.

Flower is a modified determinate shoot

Homology of the floral bud with a vegetative bud

Floral and vegetative buds both emerge either in terminal or in axillary position
The floral buds may sometimes get modified into vegetative buds or bulbils (e.g. Agave, Allium). Thus proving that the two are analogous structures.

Axis nature of receptacle

The internodes in floral axis remain highly reduced yet in a number of plants such as Capparis, Passiflora etc. the receptacle shows prominent nodes and internodes.
In certain plants (eg., rose, pear, etc.), sometimes the receptacle of the flower continues its growth even after producing all the four types of floral appendages and then produces normal foliage leaves.
In Michelia champaca the thalamus can elongate like an ordinary stem beyond carpels and bears aggregate fruit.


Foliage nature of floral appendages

Foliage leaves (phyllotaxy) and floral appendages (aestivation) have an identical arrangement on the stem.
Sometimes, sepal can be modified to an enlarged leaf-like structure as seen in Mussaenda.

Transition of floral leaves

In nature, in many cases, such as Nymphaea (water lily) all degrees of transition from sepals to petals and from petals to stamens can be seen.
In Canna, the stamens and the style become petaloid.
In Zinnia, some of the stamens and carpels become petaloid or sepaloid.

Floral development

Transition to flowering involves major changes in the pattern of morphogenesis and cell differentiation at the shoot apical meristem leading to the formation of the floral organs.

These events are collectively referred to as floral evocation.

The developmental signals that bring about floral evocation include:

Ø Endogenous factors: circadian rhythms, phase change, and hormones
Ø External factors: day length (photoperiod) and temperature (vernalization)

In the case of photoperiodism, transmissible signals from the leaves collectively referred to as the floral stimulus, are translocated to the shoot apical meristem.
The interactions of these endogenous and external factors enable plants to synchronize their reproductive development with the environment.

Floral meristems and floral organ development

The transition from vegetative to reproductive development is marked by an increase in the frequency of cell divisions within the central zone of the shoot apical meristem.
As reproductive development commences, the increase in the size of the meristem is largely a result of the increased division rate of these central cells.

Four Different Types of Floral Organs Are Initiated as Separate Whorls
   •Floral meristems initiate four different types of floral organs in concentric rings (called whorls): sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels.
    •In Arabidopsis flower, the whorls are arranged as follows:
  • ØThe first (outermost) whorl consists of four sepals, which are green at maturity.
  • ØThe second whorl is composed of four petals, which are white at maturity.
  • ØThe third whorl contains six stamens, two of which are shorter than the other four.
  • ØThe fourth whorl is a single complex organ, the gynoecium or pistil, which is composed of an ovary with two fused carpels, each containing numerous ovules, and a short style capped with a stigma.

Three Types of Genes Regulate Floral Development

Three classes of genes regulate floral development:
Meristem identity genes are necessary for the initial induction of the organ identity genes. These genes are the positive regulators of floral organ identity.
Floral organ identity genes directly control floral identity. The proteins encoded by these genes are transcription factors that likely control the expression of other genes whose products are involved in the formation and/or function of floral organs.
Cadastral genes act as spatial regulators of the floral organ identity genes by setting boundaries for their expression.

Meristem Identity Genes Regulate Meristem Function

Meristem identity genes must be active for the proper floral meristem development.
In Arabidopsis, three genes must be activated to establish floral meristem identity:
AGL20 serves as a master switch initiating floral development by integrating signals from both environmental and internal cues.
Once activated, AGL20 triggers the expression of LFY, and LFY turns on the expression of AP1.
AP1 expression also stimulates the expression of LFY (positive feedback loop).

Homeotic Mutations Led to the Identification of Floral Organ Identity Genes

The genes that determine floral organ identity was discovered as floral homeotic mutants.
Mutations in these genes resulted in development of the floral organs in the wrong place.
Because mutations in these genes change floral organ identity without affecting the initiation of flowers, they are homeotic genes.
Five different genes are known to specify floral organ identity in Arabidopsis:
The homeotic genes encode transcription factors—proteins that control the expression of other genes.
Most plant homeotic genes belong to MADS box genes.
The MADS domain enables these transcription factors to bind to specific DNA motifs.
Not all genes containing the MADS box domain are homeotic genes.
For example, AGL20 is a MADS box gene, but it functions as a meristem identity gene.
The organ identity genes initially were identified through homeotic mutations.

The ABC model for floral development

In 1991 the ABC model was proposed to explain how homeotic genes control organ identity.

  •The ABC model for the acquisition of floral organ identity is based on the interactions of the three different types of activities of floral homeotic genes: A, B, and C. 
ØActivity of type A alone specifies sepals.
ØActivities of both A and B are required for the formation of petals.
ØActivities of B and C form stamens.
ØActivity of C alone specifies carpels.

Type A activity:

Encoded by AP2
Controls organ identity in the first and second whorls.
Loss of activity results in the formation of carpels instead of sepals in the first whorl, and of stamens instead of petals in the second whorl.

Type B activity:

Encoded by AP3 and PI
Controls organ determination in the second and third whorls
Loss of activity results in the formation of sepals instead of petals in the second whorl, and of carpels instead of stamens in the third whorl.
Type C activity:
Encoded by AG
Controls events in the third and fourth whorls.
Loss of activity results in the formation of petals instead of stamens in the third whorl, and replacement of the fourth whorl by a new flower such that the fourth whorl of the ag mutant flower is occupied by sepals.
Quadruple-mutant plants (ap1, ap2, ap3/pi, and ag) produce floral meristems that develop as pseudoflowers. All the floral organs are replaced with green leaflike structures, although these organs are produced with a whorled phyllotaxy.
This demonstrates that the floral organs are highly modified leaves.

The ABCE model (Quartet model)

•A class genes specify sepals in the first whorl.
•A and B class genes specify petals within the second whorl.
•B and C class genes specify stamens within the third whorl
•C class gene function specifies carpel identity within the fourth whorl.
The E class genes (SEPALLATA 1-4) are active within all four whorls.
•Combinatorial interactions of floral organ identity factors within each whorl form tetrameric complexes.
•These floral organ identity factors can act as pioneer factors, influencing chromatin accessibility throughout flower development.
Additionally, class D genes regulate ovule development.

Thomson et al. 2017 (Plant Physiology)

(Images kindly shared by Oxford University Press and are being used for teaching purpose only)