Mosses display a wide range of structural diversity from which relationships and lineages can be inferred. Historically, bryophyte systematics has focused on peristome teeth complexity and sex organ distribution to define taxonomic units.
Modern classifications reflect systematic concepts proposed by Fleischer (1920) and Brotherus (1924, 1925), wherein the peristomate mosses were classified as follows:
- Nematodontous
- Arthrodontous
- Acrocarpous
- Pleurocarpous
- Haplolepideous
- Diplolepideous
Sphagnum, Andreaea, Andreaeobryum, and Takakia represent additional groupings distinguished by the presence of a pseudopodium and the mode of sporangial dehiscence.
The classification of the Bryophyta is undergoing constant revisions, particularly in the light of phylogenetic inferences. The classification proposed by Goffinet, Buck, and Shaw (2008) builds on those presented by Buck & Goffinet (2000) and Goffinet & Buck (2004). Their classification is outlined below:
CLASS TAKAKIOPSIDA: Leaves divided into terete filaments; capsules dehiscent by a single longitudinal spiral slit; stomata lacking. Example: Takakia
CLASS SPHAGNOPSIDA: Branches usually in fascicles; leaves composed of a network of chlorophyllose and hyaline cells; setae lacking; capsules elevated on a pseudopodium; stomata lacking. Example: Sphagnum
CLASS ANDREAEOPSIDA: Plants on acidic rocks, generally autoicous; cauline central strand absent; calyptrae small; capsules valvate, with four valves attached at apex; seta absent, pseudopodium present; stomata lacking. Example: Andreaea
CLASS ANDREAEOBRYOPSIDA: Plants on calcareous rocks, dioicous; cauline central strand lacking; calyptrae large and covering whole capsule; capsules valvate, apex eroding and valves free when old; stomata lacking; seta present. Example: Andreaeobryum
CLASS OEDIPODIOPSIDA: Leaves unicostate; calyptrae cucullate; capsule symmetric and erect, neck very long; stomata lacking; capsules gymnostomous. Example: Oedipodium
CLASS POLYTRICHOPSIDA: Plants typically robust, dioicous; cauline central strand present; stems typically rhizomatous; costa broad, with adaxial chlorophyllose lamellae; peristome nematodontous, mostly of (16)32–64 teeth. Example: Polytrichum
CLASS TETRAPHIDOPSIDA: Leaves unicostate; calyptrae small conic; capsule symmetric and erect, neck short; peristome nematodontous, of four erect teeth. Example: Tetraphis
CLASS BRYOPSIDA: Plants small to robust; leaves costate or not, typically lacking lamellae; capsules operculate; peristome at least partially arthrodontous. Example: Bryum
Features of the classification system:
- The rank of superclass is adopted to unite all arthrodontous mosses in one taxon (i.e. Superclass V).
- Although this system of classification aimed at accepting only monophyletic taxa, given the limited number of ranks available, paraphyletic taxa were incorporated (e.g. Bryanae).
- Effort was made to resolve the relationships among genera of the Hypnanae.
- Due to the lack of sequence data and availability of information of many taxa at regional level only, the authors have been unable to expand their classification system to a global scale.
Further reading:
Buck WR, Shaw AJ, Goffinet B. Morphology, anatomy, and classification of the Bryophyta. In: Bryophyte Biology: Second Edition, ed. B. Goffinet & A. J. Shaw. Cambridge University Press; 2008. p. 55–138.
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